Passage festival 2022: Uncovering Layers

A workshop co-created and co-lead with Wiktoria Czekajska at the Passage Festival, an international street theatre in Helsingborg.

In this workshop we embarked on a journey facilitate uncovering professional practices through systemic lenses for re-generative doing . A creative and sensorial mapping process gave us insights and inspiration to connect to creative projects as interrelated web- relating to the material, social, economical and pardigm aspect of our endavours. And how they could be part of moving towards a more caring and sustainable way to envision, practice and do our work.

We asked professionals of a plethora of performance art sectors to bring a project or practice to this workshop that has pain points they would like to solve relating to sustainability. The results were overwhelmingly concrete solutions for material art, administrative tasks, sourcing of materials and social structures inhabited by the participants at their every day jobs. Another interesting aspect of this workshop was the surrounding discussion around undoing bad habits, restructuring and slowing down in order to achieve greater effectivity in the near future when it comes to cost reduction for our planet.