PetLEO flyers and print

PetLEO flyers, brochures and printed ads created in collaboration with the marketing team. October to december 2021.

PetLEO is a sucessful partner to veterinarians and pet owners to improve the life of our pets through an app and digital service. The most exciting part of this is not only the community building, but also the opportunities for vets to digitalise their workflow. I have had the pleasure of collaborating with the PetLEO marketing team and our clients to contribute to this cause through various forms of design. Below a few examples of print media.

“Is your practice upside down sometimes? Doesn’t have to be! Petleo, your digitalisation partner without compromises.”, Printed advertisment encouraging vets to switch to a digital routine for repetitive task managment. Created for the Hunderunden Magazin, November 2021

“Practicemanagment in the here and now. Your team will love it!” PetLEO brochure detailing time and effort saving measures that can be implemented through PetLEO. Distributed at the Deutsche Veterinärmedizin Gesellschaft congress, October 2021
“Make your appointment online!” personalised Flyer for the Kleintierpraxis am Blauen Tor targeted at potential clients. Variations of this poster printed and distributed all over Germany, December 2021