PetLEO Motion animation

PetLEO is a successful partner to veterinarians and pet owners in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Their goal is to improve the health and life of our pets through an app and digital service. The most exciting part of this is not only the community building, but also the opportunity for vets to digitalise their workflow. I have had the pleasure of collaborating with their marketing team to produce a few animated advertisements laying out their various services.

Some of explanatory motion designs are aimed at pet healthcare professionals and their teams, and elaborate on the advantages of collaborating with PetLEO during a first meeting with a representative, online or during a professional congress. Others are aimed at end users of the app, explaning advantages of participating in the PetLEO platform.

The main challenge with this comes with building a coherent and concise storytelling with as little words as possible, as we wanted to keep it short and entertaining. I overcame this difficulty by using repetitive wording as to shorten reading time and use commonly understood imagery and icons. I also made the decision to add dynamic sound effects as to stimulate a second observatory senses and truly pull the viewer into the presentation. And this is how I turned facts given to me by the marketing department into storytelling for various clients!

PetLEO service overview for display at the DVG congress, November to December 2021. Pre-rebrand.
Animated advertisements explaining PetLEO’s digital DSVGO document signing service to vets, March 2022. Post re-brand.
Animated advertisements to explain PetLEO’s online booking service to vets, April 2022. Post re-brand.
Animated advertisements to explain PetLEO’s EU animal passport to app users, April 2022. Post re-brand.