Växjö Ju-Jutsu: Brand & Apparel

A complete rebrand of the popular martial arts club in Växjö, Småland. This sports association fosters a community around courses specialised in Brazilian Ju-Jutsu for kids, youth and adults and promotes team-spirit and physical well-being. The self-described Växjö top Martial Arts club for all ages and backgrounds, was yearning for a complete revisit of their identity. Something modern and energetic adapted to their challenging sport.


Primary Logo

A strong and dynamic logo on parr with the sport for use as centerpiece in designs.

Central is the double roofed church emblematic to Växjö’s skyline and symbolic for community gathering. The official provincial animal of Småland- a stylised otter- reflects the intense nature of martial arts. A minimalist Brazilian flag on both sides of the city name hints at the clubs speciality. Another reference to Brazilian Ju-Jutsu is the thick red and black circle referencing the 7th degree black belt.

The whole comes together in a circular frame and contrasting colors, ideal for all backgrounds.

Wordmark Logo

Simplified version of the logo based on common elements and font. To be used for small space or when the logo is not the centerpiece. Available for dark and bright backgrounds.

Apparel: Shirts and Hoodies

I was also commissioned to create a series of mens and womans shirt and hoodies implementing the branding changes. I opted for two color-managed designs with a variations of pictural, logo and shape elements.